How to send email from Google Sheets

Suppose you have a Google Sheet full of contacts or leads. You want to send emails to all (or some) of them. Doing it manually will be error-prone and laborious. Here is how to automate it. You will also be able to personalize each email. Install Rapid MailMerge Add-on Rapid MailMerge is a free add-on […]

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How to parse and extract data from Gmail to Google Sheets

Extracting data from Gmail messages and then routing that data to other automation steps is an easy task to do using Google Apps Script. My bank sends transaction confirmation emails for each transaction in my account. I will parse and collect the expense data into a Google Sheet. By the end of the month, I […]

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How to send a Google Doc as email body

Google Docs has more editing features than the Gmail compose window. Moreover, it is easier to have several revisions and reviews with Google Docs. So if it is an important email or an email that requires some extra features (such as tables, multiple embedded images etc) it is a good idea to compose the email […]

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How to add new contacts using Google Apps Script (example code)

Suppose you have a Google Sheet full of contacts. You want to add some of those contacts to your Google/Gmail Contacts. This article has all the sample apps script code to do it. By the way having all your contacts neatly organized in your Google Contacts list has several advantages. You can create groups, send […]

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Building Single Page Apps (with Vue and Bootstrap) on Google Apps Script

Building a complete web app on Google Apps Script

This is the second part on my Series on Google Apps Script advanced projects. See the first part of the article here. In the first part, we used ES6 and npm modules in the server side of Google Apps Script. In this article, we will move on to the client-side. We will create a Single […]

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In Google Sheets, how to highlight duplicates using a simple formula

Imagine you have got a contact list of a number of leads. You collected it from different sources. So you don’t know if a certain contact is repeating. All you want is to search by the email and find all the duplicates. I searched around using Google for a quick solution. However I didn’t find […]

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Using ES6 and npm modules in Google Apps Script

Google’s Apps Script should be of interest to all JavaScript developers. Apps Script is good for automation. Through it, you can directly access Google’s many services, such as Google Sheets, Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar, and more. With a little bit of imagination, you can create very exciting Apps and add-ons using Google Apps Script. […]

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12 Techniques for Mastering Gmail Search

On an average, we spent 3 hours a day reading and replying to emails. An average office worker receives 200 emails a day. The amount of emails that we handle is only increasing. The best way to increase your productivity is to learn to manage the email more efficiently. The top feature you should look […]

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In Gmail, how to auto-reply to certain emails

The vacation responder feature of Gmail is useful for sending automated replies to all emails that you receive between certain dates. However, customisation is quite limited in this feature. If you want to send specific replies based on different conditions (the from address of the email, the email subject line etc), you can use the […]

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How to do mail merge in G Suite using Google Sheet

Assume you are having a Google Sheet with tones of leads/contacts, that’s cool, right? More information to your arsenal. Now, this is the part where you want to make use of it by emailing them. Doing this manually is tedious and error-prone. Fortunately, there is a free add-on called Rapid MailMerge to automate Google Sheet […]

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How to do Mail Merge with attachments using Gmail and Google Sheets

gmail mail merge with attachments

Rapid MailMerge allows you to send emails that include attachments to many recipients. With Rapid Mail Merge add-on, you no longer have to exit your google sheet as this add-on works directly with your Gmail account. You can now easily create email campaigns directly from Google Sheets. Rapid MailMerge is quick and easy to use […]

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How to send mass email from Google Sheets using your Gmail Account

send mass email from google sheets

Perhaps, you would like to send emails to all – or some – of your client whose contacts or leads are available on your Google sheet. Sending such messages manually is often tedious and may lead to error. Instead, you can automate the process – and even personalize every email. Read along to learn about […]

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How many emails can you send from Gmail?

Have you ever wondered if there’s a limit to how many emails you can send from a Gmail account? Are large companies ever restricted? Let’s answer these questions today! Firstly, when sending through the web platform, Gmail will limit your account to 500 emails over a 24-hour period. If you’re sending through Thunderbird, Apple Mail, […]

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How many Gmail user accounts are there in the world?

What started as an idea by Paul Buccheit several years ago has gone on to become one of the most prominent email software in recent times. The project, with the code name, Caribou was first used in 2004 by Google employees to check emails internally. It later moved from the limited beta status of April […]

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