Tag Archives for " google sheets "

How to do mail merge in G Suite using Google Sheet

Assume you are having a Google Sheet with tones of leads/contacts, that’s cool, right? More information to your arsenal. Now, this is the part where you want to make use of it by emailing them. Doing this manually is tedious and error-prone. Fortunately, there is a free add-on called Rapid MailMerge to automate Google Sheet […]

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How to send mass email from Google Sheets using your Gmail Account

send mass email from google sheets

Perhaps, you would like to send emails to all – or some – of your client whose contacts or leads are available on your Google sheet. Sending such messages manually is often tedious and may lead to error. Instead, you can automate the process – and even personalize every email. Read along to learn about […]

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How to do mail merge with attachment in Google Sheets

Suppose you want to send an email with attachment to a large set of contacts in a Google Sheet. Here is a step-by-step guide showing you how to do that fast. Get Rapid MailMerge Free add-on If you don’t have the free Rapid MailMerge add-on, get it quickly! It is quite handy to send emails […]

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Alert by email when input data on google spreadsheet meets given condition

Here is the sample sheet: make a copy of the sheet Suppose you want to receive an email when the status column changes to ‘approved’. Install a trigger first Note that simple trigger does not work since we need to send an email from the trigger. You have to install the trigger. Create a function […]

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How to send email from Google Sheets

Suppose you have a Google Sheet full of contacts or leads. You want to send emails to all (or some) of them. Doing it manually will be error-prone and laborious. Here is how to automate it. You will also be able to personalize each email. Install Rapid MailMerge Add-on Rapid MailMerge is a free add-on […]

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From Google Sheets, how to send email based on date

Suppose you want to send reminder emails automatically from your Google Sheets. The email needs to be sent when the invoice is overdue. So it requires to check the current date with the invoice due date. Let us see how to do that in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script. We have a Google Sheet […]

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In Google Sheets, how to compare two columns for duplicates

In another article here ( In Google Sheets, how to highlight duplicates using a simple formula ), we had discussed how to highlight duplicates using the MATCH() function. In this article, we will see how to find duplicates when there are more than one columns to search for duplicates. Suppose you have a google sheet […]

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How to get cell value in Google Sheets using apps script

There are different ways to get the cell values. This article shows you different ways to get cell values from the Google Sheet. Some of the methods (like getCell(row, col) ) will be easier if you want to iterate through the cells. Get selected cell value in your Google Sheet Script First, let us add […]

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In Google Sheets, how to highlight duplicates using a simple formula

Imagine you have got a contact list of a number of leads. You collected it from different sources. So you don’t know if a certain contact is repeating. All you want is to search by the email and find all the duplicates. I searched around using Google for a quick solution. However I didn’t find […]

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