All Posts by Iram Ghafoor

How to use Google Sheets to mail merge labels

Wondering, what’s cooking today in our mind? Well, we are going to create a mail merge into a Google Sheet that enables you to create and print hundreds of address labels through Google Docs. Let’s find out the magic of this add-on. Note: Before proceeding to the first step, make sure you are logged on […]

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How to set up Gmail Account in Outlook with 2-step verification enabled

Security is one of the most important concerns on the internet now, that’s why Google has introduced several security features for its users to keep their accounts secure. Google 2-Step Verification is one of the most advanced and the safest security feature that makes the security of your Google account foolproof. In Google 2-Step Verification, […]

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Top email tracking extensions for Gmail

Gmail add-ons perform some tasks for you like downloading attachments from multiple emails or removing duplicate entries from a Google Sheet. While running email campaigns and sending them to your potential customers, you often need to track how they are dealing with your emails. Have they opened the email or just ignored it? Keeping your […]

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How to create distribution list in Gmail


It was 2000 circa when Yahoo and Hotmail dominated the world of email services. But then, Google launched Gmail on April 1, 2004, and it came, it saw, and it conquered. Currently, Gmail is the best free email service provider undoubtedly, and with its wonderful features and add-ons, it has outclassed all its rivals. I […]

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